Victoria Blankenship 580-467-0458 Duncan , OK
Hello , I would like to explain a little about what we do and why we do it here at Victoria's Labradors. If this is your first time inquiring about my puppies or dogs you may be asking yourself the same questions people always ask once they find out we do clearances and hear puppy prices. Lets start with the clearances. We have X - rays taken at one year old for Preliminaries and also again at two years old for finals which are graded by the OFA. We do this to ensure that we are doing all that is possible to produce the healthiest and soundest Labradors. A Lab isn't much good in the field with Hip Dysplasia . We also do a number of other health tests like PRA , Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) and , OFA Eyes all for the same reasons . We do not want to carry on bad traits. There is much time and consideration put into each and every litter. We do NOT simply say " My uncle has a Lab too so lets breed them and make some extra money " In my opinion it is irresponsible breeding to breed two animals not knowing if either are truly healthy and sound. Not to mention personalities! No aggressive dog ever needs to be bred. The AKC standard is also applied to breeding a pair of dogs. A Lab should always be bred to better its own confirmation so we can further this great breed. If a Lab is bred with flaws that do not go with standard after years you look up and your puppies do not look like labs or not as they would have if you would have put thought into your breeding. NOTE: Labrador Retrievers ONLY come in Black , Yellow ,and Chocolate . Anything else has Weimaraner in it! Moving onto price , the price of a quality Labrador is different that what I like to call a 'Newspaper ' Lab because of what we have talked about previously . There is much time and MONEY that goes into breeding awesome Labs . We have to charge that much or we would not be able to afford clearances , shows , and health tests. ' Newspaper ' Lab owners do none of these things therefore all the money they bring in is profit. You may be thinking " Well not everyone can afford a Lab that costs that much , we just want a pet anyways it doesn't have to be a "show Lab ". You are absolutely right so therefore I recommend going to your local shelter even though 90% of my puppies are sold as pets or hunting partners. Dogs at the shelter are not expensive at all , most would make great pets, and I can almost guarantee there will be a Lab mix there ;) In conclusion, I hope this explains a little of what we do and how we do it. Just like there will always be a Ford there will always be a Cadillac . My motto is , 'do it the best or don't do it at all'. I am striving to be the best at breeding quality Labs that make great family pets , hunting partners , and show prospects. Thank you for reading and lets keep our breed GREAT!